Visitor: Professor Nikolaj Pedersen (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea) [https://nikolajpedersen.com/]
Funder: National Research Foundation of Korea
Project: ‘AI and Humanity'
Faculty Collaborators: Profs Annalisa Coliva & Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Guido Melchior
[https://martinafuerst.weebly.com/ and https://guidomelchior.weebly.com/]
Funder: Austrian Science Fund
Project: 'Knowing, Checking, and Other Epistemic Standing'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Martina Fürst
Funder: Austrian Science Fund
Project: 'Knowing, Checking, and Other Epistemic Standings'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Guido Melchior
[https://martinafuerst.weebly.com/ and https://guidomelchior.weebly.com/]
Funder: Austrian Science Fund
Project: 'Knowing, Checking, and Other Epistemic Standing'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Martina Fürst
Funder: Austrian Science Fund
Project: 'Knowing, Checking, and Other Epistemic Standings'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Professor Chienkuo Mi (Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan) [link to: https://cmi859.wixsite.com/chienkuomi]
Funder: Soochow University Faculty Travel Award
Project: 'Memory and Testimony: A Problem-Solving Approach of Bi-Level Virtue Epistemology'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Gloria Andrada
(Nova University, Lisbon, Portugal) [https://ifilnova.pt/en/people/gloria-andrada/]
Funder: Autonomous University of Madrid Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship
Project: 'Extended Cognition, Anti-Intellectualism and Epistemic Injustice’
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard

Visitor: Dr. Duygu Uygun Tunç
(Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Funder: European Commission Horizon 2020 Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund Program
Project: 'Extended Scientific Virtue'
Faculty Collaborator: Prof Duncan Pritchard