The application for the 2024 UCI Undergraduate History Conference is now open to all undergraduate students! Students from all majors are welcome to apply to be part of our showcase of undergraduate research on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. To apply, please visit https://forms.gle/nixKJXDUS2bDAbBb7. The application deadline is Friday, April 5 at 5 pm.
The Undergraduate History Conference is an annual showcase of undergraduate research on history. Students can present work they have done on their own or in a class through a variety of mediums: oral presentations, posters, videos, websites, and more! Any piece of research that concerns history and uses historical methods is welcome at our conference. History majors will also have the opportunity to receive the Outstanding Presentation Award (2 nominations).
How to Apply
To apply, please visit https://forms.gle/nixKJXDUS2bDAbBb7 and complete the application form. As part of the application, you will be asked to submit a Research Abstract (max. 250 words). This should be a descriptive summary of your project and can include your topics, research methods, purpose, etc. If you are not sure where to start, check out this guide from the USC library: http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/abstract. Apply by Friday, April 5 at 5 pm!
Am I eligible to apply?
Undergraduate students from any major and any class level are welcome to apply. Students who graduated before Fall 2023 are not eligible.
Why should I apply?
1. Share your research beyond the classroom.
2. Gain experience with presenting and communicating your research to public audiences.
3. Gain experience to put on your CV for future graduate school and job applications.
4. Get feedback on your research.
What research can I present?
Your research should concern history and use historical research methods. Your research can be from a class project or something you have done independently. Students commonly present course papers, projects from research seminars, and results of independent studies. You are also welcome to use this as an opportunity to present an independent research topic you have had an interest in but have not had a chance to explore in a course setting. The research paper/project you are going to present doesn’t need to be completed when you submit the application – you just need to be able to provide your research abstract (see How to Apply).
What is a historical research project and what are historical research methods?
A historical research project is a project that examines events, ideas, or individuals that occurred/existed in the past. While research methods for historical projects vary, they typically involve the use of primary sources (documents, interviews, films, photographs, etc.) from the time period that is being studied.
What is the presentation actually like?
There are two main types of presentations: oral and visual. Oral presentations are 10-minute-long summaries of your work. You are encouraged to use some sort of projected visual (eg. PowerPoint) during your oral presentation. Visual displays can include posters, photo exhibits, videos, websites, etc. In the application, you will be asked to rate your preference for presentation type.
What if I am busy on the day of the conference?
We will be very flexible with your schedule. Oral presentations will likely span most of the day with a few different sessions. Once accepted for the conference, I will ask you for your availability and give you a presentation window. Even if you are out of town on May 21 – you could still present online or submit a visual display in advance and we can set it up for you.
More Questions?
If you have any questions about the conference, please email the Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Michelle Spivey at spiveym@uci.edu.