The AAS Conference Travel Award

Due Date:  1 February 2017
Funding available:  3 awards of $250 each

 Graduate students (M.A. or Ph.D. programs) working with Asian American Studies faculty on Asian American Studies related research.  Students who completed or are completing the Asian American Studies graduate emphasis are prioritized.
 Applicants must be current students presenting a conference paper on their own original research.
 The conference must take place during the 2016-2017 academic year, including summer 2017.

Selection criteria:
 Significance of presentation for the field of Asian American Studies
 Demonstration of ongoing mentoring relationship with Asian American studies core faculty
 Proof of acceptance to a national/international professional meeting (i.e. Association for Asian American Studies, American Studies Association, Modern Language Association, etc.); 

Application will consist of:
 application form, including short paper description, budget request, and indication of any additional sources of funding secured or applied for;
 evidence of conference acceptance
 a short letter of support from the student’s faculty adviser.  The letter should confirm that:
 1) the conference is of professional merit in the student’s field,
 2) that the student will be presenting professional work related to Asian American studies at this conference, and
 3) the letter must be signed by the student’s faculty advisor.

The following list designates expenses that are reimbursable. Applicants will be reimbursed only up to the travel grant award amount ($250) and all reimbursement requests must include appropriate and adequate documentation (original and online receipts, hotel folios, airline receipts, etc.).

 Transportation: including airfare, transportation to/from airport, and mileage if driving own vehicle. Mileage will be reimbursed at the federal reimbursement rate ( Please include mileage calculation and a map.
 Accommodations
 Conference registration fees
 Food and beverages are not reimbursable

If you have questions about the proposal guidelines or difficulties with electronic submission (through EEE Scout), please contact Prof. Christine Balance (AAS Director of Graduate Studies) at