alfailakawi danah
Danah Alfailakawi

Degrees: B.A. English Language & Literature, American University of Kuwait, 2011; M.A. Comparative Literary & Cultural Studies, Kuwait University, 2017
Research Interests: Modern and Contemporary Arab/ic Literature; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Indigeneity and Race in the Middle East; Queer Theory/Queer Theory of Color; Critical Race Theory; Decoloniality and Anticoloniality; The Monstrous, the Grotesque, the Abject

Ashwin Bajaj

Degrees: M.A. English, UC Santa Barbara; M.Phil. English, University of Delhi
Research Interests: Continental Philosophy, Critical Theory, Philosophy of History, Dialectical thought, Postcolonial and Tricontinental Literature, Theory of the Novel, Feminist Studies

Ben Bieser

Degrees: B.A. Comparative Literature & Society, Columbia University, 2019
Research Interests: Black Critical Theory; Continental Philosophy; Wertkritik and Open Marxism; Deconstruction; Psychoanalysis; Legal Studies; Anticolonial Poetry & Literature; Experimental Film & Music; Nonsovereignty and the Nonpolitical

David Carter

Degrees: M.A. Individualized Study, 2016; B.A. Philosophy, UC Santa Cruz, 2006

Ssu-Yu Chen

Degrees: M.A. English, National Central University, Taiwan, 2016; B.A. Foreign Language & Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 2012
Research Interests: Gender & Sexualities Studies, Gender Governance, Critical Race Theory, Theory of the State, History of Nationalism and Nation-Building, Affect Theory, Phenomenology, Political Theory, Historiography in East Asia, Postcolonialism in East Asia

Benjamin Connor

Degrees: M.A. English Literatures, University of British Columbia, 2023; B.A. Sociology with Honours, Simon Fraser University, 2021
Research Interests: Research Interests: Indigenous literatures, critical theory, and ways of knowing; Caribbean studies; Pacific Island studies; Black studies; settler colonialism; anti-colonialism; post-structuralism; Holocaust studies

John Gillespie

Degrees: B.S. Philosophy and Religious Studies, Towson University, 2017
Research Interests: Black Literature, Theory and Performance Studies; Science, Technology and Society studies; Continental philosophy; Psychoanalysis; Anti-psychiatry and Madness Studies

Christine Guiyangco

Degrees: M.F.A. Studio Art, UC Irvine, 2020; B.A. Art, UCLA, 2014
Research Interests: words as characters and characters as words---theory on translation and untranslatability, narrative, art and art practice, postcolonialism, quantum time and space, onomatopoeia, puns, counterfeit, punchlines, deconstruction, ontology, idiomatic form, comics/motion comics, the Filipino diaspora

Sarah Hoenicke Flores

Degrees: M.F.A. Journalism, UC Berkeley, 2019; B.A. English, Mills College, 2016
Research Interests: Postcoloniality; Displacement; Anglophone and diaspora literatures; longform nonfiction; conflict studies
Recent Publications: "Measles, Media and Memory: Journalism’s Role in Framing Collective Memory of Disease," J Med Humanit (2021); "Doulas Hope to Regain Momentum as Covid Restrictions Ease," The New York Times, July 26, 2021


Carolin Huang updated 2024
Carolin Huang

Degrees: B.A. Urban Geography and Art History, McGill University, 2014; Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS), University of Alberta, 2019
Research Interests: psychoanalysis; critical theory; aesthetics; east asian cinema; queer cinema; philosophy of history; the concept of east asian modernity

Noah Jerge

Degrees: M.A. Philosophy, SDSU, 2022; B.A. Philosophy, UCSD, Magna Cum Laude/High Distinction, 2020; AA-T Degree, Philosophy, Palomar College, 2018
Research Interests: noise, history of continental philosophy (with specific emphasis on Heidegger, Derrida, and the destruction/deconstruction of traditional metaphysics), critical theory, aesthetics, and contemporary literature

olamina jiménez sánchez

Degrees: B.A. African American Studies, Emory University, 2023
Research Interests: black studies; psychoanalysis; continental philosophy; black experimental poetics; documentary film; visuality and the gaze; homelessness.

Munyao Kilolo

Degrees: Postgraduate Certificate, Seagull School of Publishing, 2020; B.A. Journalism, the United States International University – Africa, 2019
Research Interests: inter-African Language Translation, Theorizing in African languages, African and World Literature, Media theory, Multilingualism, and Post-colonial literature.

Joseph Christian Labagnao Ligunas

Degrees: B.A. English, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016
Research Interests: Pilipinx studies; Pilipinx literature; transnationalism; colonial historiography; travel narratives; poetry; film; postcolonial studies; multicultural literature; diaspora; short story forms; popular culture; visual arts; queer theory; issues of canon; critical theory.

Chenglin Lee

Degrees: M.A. English, CSU Fullerton, 2020; B.A. English, CSU Fullerton, 2017
Research Interests: Asian American studies, Asian Latin America, Diaspora, Political Economy, Psychoanalysis

Calvin Liew

Degrees: M.A. Sociology, San Diego State University, 2022; B.A. Sociology, San Diego State University, 2020
Research Interests: politics of language, (un)translatability, translingualism, cosmopolitics, non-Eurocentric and interspecies relationalities, Global South literatures in Portuguese and Mandarin, ecocriticism, critical theory, memory

Diya Mathur

Degrees: M.A. Sociology, Concordia University, 2018; B.A. Anthropology & Sociology, Concordia University, 2009
Research Interests: critical theory; postcolonial studies; Black studies; the civilizing process; history of philosophy

Gayatri Mehra

Degrees: B.A., M.A., M. Phil in Literature, University of Delhi
Research Interests: Theorization(s) of Contemporary Indian culture, Contemporary Indian Writings in English, Indian Mass-Culture, Postcolonial Studies, Marxism. 

Morrell, Iris
Iris Morrell

Degrees: B.A. Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
Research Interests: Jewish studies, especially Jewish mysticism; memory and trauma studies; psychoanalysis; deconstruction; legal studies, especially standards of proof.

Namukasa, Glaydah
Glaydah Namukasa

Degrees: M.F.A. Creative Writing, University of California, Riverside, 2022; B.S. Community Psychology, Makerere University, Uganda, 2017; Diploma in Midwifery, Rubaga Hospital Nursing School, Uganda, 2008
Research Interests: Comparative analysis of the intersection of literature and medicine; Representations of disease and health in contemporary African literature and Global Black Literatures, Medical Humanities, Disability studies, Postcolonial studies, Creative Writing.

Caroline Oliver

Degrees: B.A. Comparative Literature & Psychology, Barnard College, 2020

Yassaman Rahimi

Degrees: B.A. English and Cultural Studies, and Gender Studies, University of Western Australia, 2016
Research Interests: 20th Century Persian literature; intersection of Islam and Marxism; exile; diaspora

danely ramos segoviano
Danely Ramos Segoviano

Degrees: M.A. English - Literature option, CSU Dominguez Hills, 2018; B.A. English, UCSB, 2012
Research Interests: Feminism, Film & Media Studies


Jacob Reimer

Degrees: M.A. Cultural Theory and History (Kulturwissenschaft); Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; B.A. Comparative Literature, Minor in European Studies, New York University
Research Interests: Psychoanalysis, Transatlantic Modernism, Jewish Studies, Black Studies, Frankfurt School & French Critical theory (Structuralism, Poststructuralism), German Idealism, Marxism(s), Aesthetic Philosophy 

Maryam Salehi

Degrees: M.A. Anthropology, University of Tehran; B.A. Hotel Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University

Stephanie Shu
Stephanie Shu

Degrees: B.A. Chinese, Reed College, 2023
Research Interests: early 20th century Chinese fiction; short stories; queer theory; gender & sexuality studies; critical translation theory; decolonizing the archive; digital humanities, especially bridging close reading and computational literary analysis.

Morgan Slade

Degrees: B.A. Comparative Literature, University of California Irvine, 2012
Research Interests: history of philosophy; psychoanalysis; Frantz Fanon

Egor Sofronov

Degrees: M.F.A. Art Criticism and Writing, School of Visual Arts, NY, 2014; B.A. Area Studies, USA and Canada, State University for the Humanities, 2011
Research Interests: My study interest nests primarily in deconstruction and aesthetics, and in the work of Jacques Derrida, in his disquieting inheritance of the tradition of metaphysics, as the latter is marked by events, trips, inscriptions in and from the history of meaning, to which it remains in addiction or withdrawal. With a background in contemporary art, wherefrom I am quitting or in exile for a reading broader and better founded in languages, such as French, Ancient Greek, besides my Russian, I aspire to understand and transmit deconstruction with its roots in phenomenology, absolute idealism, psychoanalysis, religion, political economy, translation, and literary theory...

Dylan Taylor updated 2024
Dylan Taylor

Degrees: B.A. Sociology & Comparative Literature, Indiana University, 2018
Research Interests: environmental history; critical geography; early, avant-garde and vernacular cinemas; Black studies; critical philosophy of race; concepts of nature; cartography, chorography, and survey; extension; epistemicide; deconstruction; political theology; decreation

Martin Vela

Degrees: B.A. Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, 2016

Tianmo Wang

Degrees: M.A. Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2021; B.A. Gallatin Individualized Major, New York University, 2020

Henry Ward
Henry Ward

Degrees: B.A. English and Cultural Studies, The University of Western Australia, 2015
Research Interests: Marxism; critical theory; political theory; postcolonial/decolonial theory; colonialism and imperialism; postmodernity and globalization; theories of spatiality and mapping; anticolonial and socialist literary internationalisms

Alex Yan
Alexandra Yan

Degrees: M.A. Comparative Literature, University of California, Riverside, 2016; M.A. Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, 2019; B.A. Comparative Literature, German, and Japanese, Boston University, 2012
Research Interests: My research investigates Japanophone literature written by colonized Koreans and Taiwanese authors between 1850 and 1945 under the Japanese empire. I concentrate on subjects such as: multi-ethnic empire, colonial imaginaries and world-building, modernism, social realism, naturalism, literary satire, theories of race and empire, colonial modernity and postcolonialism in East Asia, the relationship between empire and nation-state, colonial and imperial Japanese critiques of liberal democratic modernity, and the influence of German and Austrian literary movements in modern Japanese literature.