Hello! Thank you so much for taking a look at my profile! My name is Wyatt and I am a history PhD student focusing on early modern France. As of now, my research interrogates the role and uses of tattoos and marks on the skin during the revolutionary period in France and in France’s overseas empire. Originally from Southern California, I went to college in Flagstaff, Arizona. After graduation, I competed my master's in medieval history at UCI and then went on to teach 7th grade history for 2 years in Phoenix. Now, I have seemingly completed the circle and migrated back to California for what I hope is my last degree.
Earlier in my academic career, I focused on late medieval, Italian history. My master's thesis focused on how the Italian saint Catherine of Sienna created a community of believers through an extensive letter writing operation. This epistolary web enabled Catherine to invite coreligionnaire to a heightened mystical experience during an increasingly contention periods. In my thesis, I argued that Catherine’s generation of community allowed her to suture the jagged edges and bleeding boundaries of a fractured institutional church.
o B.A., History, Northern Arizona University 2019; M.A., Medieval and World History, UC Irvine, 2020
o Research interests: The body in early modern France, use of tattoos and other marks and modifications, and French coloniality and overseas empires.
o Awards
UCI, School of Humanities Fellowship
o Publications
o Hobbies
Surfing and collecting antiquarian/rare books and manuscripts