Camila Sanhueza smiling while leaning her arm against a white railing



B.A. in History. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2017.

M.A. in History. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2021.

M.A. in History. University of California, Irvine, 2024.

Advisors: Dr. Heidi Tinsman and Dr. Anita Casavantes Bradford.
First Field: Latin American History
Second Field: History of Gender and Sexuality
Research Interests: Latin American History, Cold War History, Gender History, History of Childhood

Research project:  My research project focuses on the issue of illegitimacy, gender, and family relations during the socialist projects of the Popular Unity (Unidad Popular, UP) in Chile, and the Cuban Revolution during the 1970s. I want to analyze, from a transnational approach, how these socialist projects simultaneously sought to eliminate illegitimacy as a natal category, with the goal of achieving social equality by regulating intimate relationships, parental relationships, and gender relations.


De “apolíticas” a militantes. La incorporación de mujeres al Partido Conservador chileno (1934-1952). Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2022.
“La municipalidad y la casa: roles de género en el debate sobre el sufragio femenino y los gobiernos locales en Chile (1910-1935). Contemporánea. Historia y Problemas del siglo XX, 13.2 (2020): 31-44. Special Issue on “The Emergence of Feminism in Latin America in the Early 20th Century,” edited by Inés Cuadro Cawen & Marcela Vignoli
“¡Será belleza y espíritu al servicio de la Patria! La acción de la Falange Femenina en la integración de la mujer en la esfera política chilena (1941-1949).” In Álvarez, R.; Gálvez, A. and M. Loyola, eds. Mujeres y política en Chile, siglos XIX y XX. Santiago: Ariadna Ediciones, 2019, pp. 189-210.


2024:  The James R. Scobie Award. Conference on Latin American History (CLAH).
2024:  Fernando and Olga Niebla Latinx/Hispanic Studies Graduate Fellowship, University of California, Irvine.
2024:  UC-Cuba Academic Initiative Fellowship.
2023:  Charles & Ann Quilter Graduate Students Award in History. University of California, Irvine.