Krieger Hall

Winter Quarter

Dept Course No and Title Instructor
This course covers the most important themes in the history of Armenians and Armenia in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries and does so within a regional (i.e., Middle East and Caucasus) and global context. It examines the problems and impact of imperialism, revolution, and genocide on the development of the history of Armenians. This course will have a strong thematic approach as we proceed from imperial rule in the nineteenth century through twentieth-century genocide, brief independence, sovietization, and independence again, culminating in the recent Velvet Revolution and its impact. As we explore this history, we will focus on Armenians as imperial and national subjects in ancestral lands as well as transimperial and transnational subjects in a diaspora that has had a complex relationship with the idea and reality of homeland.
There are few original civilizations in world history, so it is noteworthy that the peoples of the Americas would have generated two of them –Mesoamerica in the North, and the Andes in the south. Even before the arrival of the Spanish and the Portuguese, the Americas have been a complex amalgam of cultural identities and differences. Imperium –political, religious, and aesthetic –was possible only once the idea of cultural purity was abandoned in Colonial Latin America. This course will cover the arch between the rise and fall of the largest and most populated European colonial empire of the early modern era –the Spanish monarchy– and the nineteenth-century encounters of the new Latin American republics with the rising hemispheric power of the United States, which represented for the now “Latin Americans” a challenge for their new conceptions of freedom and equality.

How did our world become so globalized and yet so unequal? In the period from 1650 to 1870, people around the world began to interact on a truly global scale for the first time in history. New structures and systems to regulate these interactions arose, creating a level of interdependence never before imagined. But these encounters did not take place on a level playing field.  This class will pose a series of questions about those surprising, rich, but unequal encounters of continents, cultures and peoples as disparate as those of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, and how they structured today’s world.

We begin with the rise and crisis of pre-industrial empires, the great Muslim empires and China, the European colonization of the Americas, Eurasia and Africa. We will then examine the “age of revolutions” in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, looking at its impact on political culture, trade, labor, slavery, and religion. The last part of the class will investigate the emergence of European domination and the imperial system of the 19th century, along with the growing resistance to imperial rule. The class will conclude with an analysis of the world in 1870, poised at the brink of a capitalist globalization built upon deep inequality, giving rise to powerful anti-capitalist movements that would divide the world for the following century.

This course fulfills the pre-1800 History major requirement.


No detailed description available.
What will happen to China? Will China continue to enjoy its rapid economic growth in the future or will its economic slowdown pose a legitimacy crisis for the Chinese Communist Party; a political group that has already been troubled by corruption and sex scandals in recent years? This course will try to address this question from a historical perspective, covering China's political, social, and cultural history over the past 200 plus years.
Our main focus will be a new historical and cyclical pattern of reform and revolution that has rocked China through this period. We will review this issue through three lenses; traditional social and political patterns before the coming of the West, the series of crises, partially brought about by foreign incursion, which resulted in various versions of reform and revolutions, and the role of Mao's revolution, its ultimate failure, and the Deng Xiaoping reforms.

This advanced research seminar for History majors focuses on the close reading of texts, the mechanics of writing various forms of history, archival and online research techniques, research topic development, and how to structure a meaningful research proposal.  By the end of Winter quarter each student will complete a well-grounded project proposal; in Spring quarter (History 194) students will complete their archival research and article-length essay suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed history journal.

Application Details TBA

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.
Restriction: History majors only. Upper-division students only.
It is, by far, the planet’s most popular sport. More than a billion earthlings play the game on a regular basis, and billions more watch it. Its rules are simple, its mode of execution almost infinite. It is a fine art form, and war by other means. Manipulated by rulers, the plaything of tyrants, oligarchs, oil tycoons and myriad capitalists, it remains, nevertheless, the people’s game and the peoples’ game, enjoyed by every nation, race and religion around the globe. This course aims to uncover the broad contours of the history of the game, from its humble beginnings among the industrial working class of Britain to its present global pre- eminence and seemingly constant expansion and growth. What are its origins? How, why and where did it develop? Why the global attraction, expansion and continued popularity? What are its rules and structures of governance? How do we account for the different styles and philosophy of playing the game? This course looks to address these key questions. Furthermore, this course is rooted in the belief that soccer is uniquely poised to analyze some big historical phenomena: empire and methods of colonial control; class and race relations; gender dynamics; national and international politics

GE: (IV)
The phenomenon first became noticeable during the First World War, but during the 1920s it was clear for all to see: the “New Negro” had arrived. Located mainly within the large urban centers of the North, such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and especially New York City’s Harlem, the “New Negro” was described by contemporaries as that segment of the black population that was more self-confident, more vocal and articulate in airing the grievances of “the race,” and more militant in the defense of his or her rights as a citizen than the “Old Negro” was. The self-styled “New Negroes” described themselves in identical terms. New journals, magazines and newspapers emerged that articulated this new outlook in urban black America. The Messenger, the Crusader, the Negro World, the Chicago Defender were the most widely read and well-known of these organs.

The course is primarily concerned with the making of the “New Negro.” It begins with an examination of the place of black people within American society at the turn of the century, analyses the profound changes brought about by the First World War, the epic movement of African Americans from the South (known as the “Great Migration”) and Afro-Caribbeans from the islands, and follows the “New Negro” movement to the end of the 1920s, the eve of the Great Depression. Throughout the course, attention will be paid to the inter-relationship between culture and politics, and in particular, how these two phenomena influenced and conditioned each other. The course aspires to place the remarkable black cultural outpouring of the 1920s, especially that of the “Harlem Renaissance,” within its proper political, economic and social contexts.

Prerequisite: HISTORY 12 or HISTORY 15A or HISTORY 15C or HISTORY 15D or HISTORY 16A or HISTORY 16B or HISTORY 16C or HISTORY 18A or HISTORY 21A or HISTORY 21B or HISTORY 21C or HISTORY 40A or HISTORY 40B or HISTORY 40C or HISTORY 60 or HISTORY 70A or HISTORY 70B or HISTORY 70C or HISTORY 70D or HISTORY 70E or HISTORY 70F. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

GE: (Ib)
This course examines the fundamental dynamics of cultural production and consumption under conditions of globalization. Rather than focus on jargony post-modern scholarly analyses of culture (although we'll read some of that too), we will attempt whenever possible to examine the sources ourselves--particularly music, film, literature and architecture--and develop our own hypotheses about how crucial issues, such as identity (race, gender, ethnicity, religion) power, politics and economics are inflected by and impact the production and consumption of culture during the last two decades.
Specialized course dealing primarily with close reading and analysis of primary and secondary works; required reports and papers. Colloquium subject: Islam and the World

Restriction: Upper-division students only. History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
America in the 19th Century evolved from a largely agricultural society to the world’s most influential industrial power, a transformation that required careful consideration and debate about the nature of government and democracy. This course offers an introduction to the events, peoples, ideas, and movements that both created and defined the United States during the Century. It will consider the diverse lives and experiences of “ordinary” Americans and the ways in which gender, race and class have helped to build the foundations of the American republic. The course explores key issues in the nineteenth-century United States, including defining the early republic, the nature of American slavery, market expansion and urbanization, the Civil War and Reconstruction, and important social movements.

Prerequisite: Satisfaction of the UC Entry Level Writing requirement.

Unbelief in Gods is a permanent and inextirpable feature of human life.  Yet it is an old story seldom told.  While belief in Gods is prehistoric (older than 6000 years), lack of belief in Gods is older, having been the original state of humanity for tens of thousands of years before theism emerged relatively late to the world stage. Even after theism spread far and wide and most humans were either polytheists, henotheists, or monotheists, there was never a time when all humans universally believed in Gods—there were always those who did not believe in Gods and unbelief was never eradicated. Unbelief in Gods was not uprooted even when theists criminalized unbelief with torture and death. In the West, avowed and published unbelief first appeared in ancient Greece and Rome and then disappeared for a thousand years after Christian suppression began in late antiquity. Unbelief reemerged in renaissance Europe with the revival of ancient Greek and Roman skeptical texts and the eventual softening of laws against religious dissent. Unbelief in Europe has grown over the last 200 hundred years, especially over the twentieth century. Now, in the early decades of the twenty-first century, many (most?) Western intellectuals and scientists are without belief in God and tens of millions of the general population are either atheists or agnostics or skeptics or freethinkers or humanists or secularists or otherwise indifferent to religion. We will read primary sources from antiquity to the present and attempt to sympathetically understand the phenomenon of doubting God. Though I will have plenty to say, I will not lecture. I will instead facilitate student discussions of ideas emerging from reading assignments, and I’ll conduct the class as a seminar in a workshop style.  Three books + handouts.  Weekly writing.  Much discussion.  No tests.
HISTORY 16A. World Religions I. 4 Units.

An introduction to the history, doctrine, culture, and writing of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Same as REL STD 5A.

(IV and VIII ).
This course investigates slave resistance, agency, and revolution during key “slave rebellions” in the Atlantic World. The main course objective is to provide students with an overview of classic and more recent scholarship on topics presented in the course. Of particular importance is the relationship between individuals vs. community resistance, and forms of resistance available to slaves based upon their locale, gender, and status in the enslaved community. Students will work to isolate criteria as to what makes a “successful” slave rebellion. We will approach slave resistance and rebellion from a Diasporic perspective.
Students will develop critical and analytical skills by doing oral and written assignments, some of which will be comparative in nature. The reading assignments promise to provide students with a theoretical overview of classic debates in African American history/studies such as class conflict, gendered experiences, and collective action. This class is designed for students who have taken other African American Studies or History courses as well as those who have a general interest in the course material.
This course will expose the students to the sociopolitical dynamics that have formed modern Iran.
An ancient civilization, Iran has seen the rise and fall of numerous dynasties and political orders in its long history.  The history of modern Iran, however, is traceable to 19th century Qajar dynasty which was the first to confront the waves of modernism coming from the West. We will study the impact of this confrontation with the Western political as well as cultural power on the events that led to the Constitutional Revolution of 1907. Further attention will be given to the domestic as well as international factors (World War I) that led to the emergence of Reza Shah Pahlavi and the rise of nationalism in Iran. We will, then, analyze the political, economic, social, and the intellectual themes under Mohammad Reza Shah’s rule during 1950s to 1970s, including the coup de ta of 1953 which overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddeq. In the last 4 weeks of classes we will investigate the roots of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and its impact both domestically, regionally, and internationally.
No detailed description available.
Modern history, science fiction, and film illustrate ways in which technological change has provoked expressions of utopia and dystopia; instilled euphoria and panic; inspired business and art. Was the telegraph too fast for truth? Could electricity animate the dead? Will robots will take our jobs? These concerns seemed ludicrous to some, and plausible to many. How can we understand these beliefs in their historical and social context? How might the histories of gender, political economy, and colonialism impact our understanding of such technological anxieties? Surveying the effects of technology on social practice from the eighteenth century to the present, our particular focus will be on social theories of difference (addressing gender, race, class, and nation), and their embedding in histories of science and technology.
The course will consider accounts from a variety of perspectives of key
events in Japan's "Fifteen-Year War" (1931-1945).  Student writing
assignments will address debates over controversial issues, the
utilization of first-person accounts, and how to assess films made both
during and after the era.

Prerequisite: HISTORY 12 or HISTORY 15A or HISTORY 15C or HISTORY 15D or HISTORY 16A or HISTORY 16B or HISTORY 16C or HISTORY 18A or HISTORY 21A or HISTORY 21B or HISTORY 21C or HISTORY 40A or HISTORY 40B or HISTORY 40C or HISTORY 60 or HISTORY 70A or HISTORY 70B or HISTORY 70C or HISTORY 70D or HISTORY 70E or HISTORY 70F. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

GE: (Ib)
From the publication of Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto in 1848, communism became a specter that haunted not only Europe but the world. Throughout its history this specter has proved a source of passionate debate, inspiring the loftiest hopes as well as the most frightening destruction.

How does one write the history of communism as an international phenomenon? How can we tell the story of communism beyond the history of individual communist states – thinking of it as a movement, a theory or a belief system that crossed national borders? How should historians think about the differences and similarities between the communism of an outspoken French novelist, an submissive Soviet bureaucrat, a Vietnamese peasant or an African American sharecropper?

This course will introduce students to the history of communism, from its emergence in Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century through to its global rise and sudden collapse over the course of the twentieth. Although we will examine the communist system in power – in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, China, Cuba, etc. – we will also consider what it meant to be a communist in the capitalist world. What continued to attract millions of people across the world to the idea of communism even as the horrors of the Soviet purges or the Chinese cultural revolution became more widely known? And what relevance does the communist idea have today, thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

GE: (IV)
This seminar introduces students to the modern history of globalization, focusing on the economic processes and philosophies that have shaped the contemporary world. The course will undertake a careful study of global economic systems from the gold standard of the nineteenth century through to the Bretton Woods system of the post-war era and its gradual unravelling in the 1970s and 1980s. Within this world history we will pay close attention to the ways in which political economic thinkers have sought to make sense of, shape and, occasionally, revolutionize these global systems, debating the pros and cons of rival economic ideologies, from laissez faire capitalism to revolutionary socialism.
Over the course of the semester we will ask what the impact of globalization has been on different sectors of the world’s population and consider a range of topical issues: the economics of Third World debt; the increasing instability of global financial markets; the politics of immigration and open borders; and the problems of poverty, inequality and development.

Restriction: Upper-division students only. History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
No detailed description available.
HISTORY 142A. California Dreaming: Conquest, Conflict, and Globalization in the Golden State. 4 Units.

California as a case study of national trends and as a unique setting: its specific problems and culture. Major themes include: colonization, immigration, race relations, agricultural development, industrialization, urbanization, working class movements, social conflict, and political reform.
HISTORY 37B. The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Roman Empire. 4 Units.

A survey of Roman civilization from Augustus’s consolidation of power following the civil wars of the first century BCE to the crisis of the third century CE. Includes social history, literature, art, architecture, and religion.

Same as CLASSIC 37B.
