Krieger Hall

Winter Quarter

Dept Course No and Title Instructor
America in the 19th Century evolved from a largely agricultural society to the world’s most influential industrial power, a transformation that required careful consideration and debate about the nature of government and democracy. This course offers an introduction to the events, peoples, ideas, and movements that both created and defined the United States during the Century. It will consider the diverse lives and experiences of “ordinary” Americans and the ways in which gender, race and class have helped to build the foundations of the American republic. The course explores key issues in the nineteenth-century United States, including defining the early republic, the nature of American slavery, market expansion and urbanization, the Civil War and Reconstruction, and important social movements.

Prerequisite: Satisfaction of the UC Entry Level Writing requirement.

GE: (IV)
This advanced research seminar for History majors focuses on the close reading of texts, the mechanics of writing various forms of history, archival and online research techniques, research topic development, and how to structure a meaningful research proposal.  By the end of Winter quarter each student will complete a well-grounded project proposal; in Spring quarter (History 194) students will complete their archival research and article-length essay suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed history journal.

Apply by November 5th at

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History majors only. Upper-division students only.
This class explores the history of urban and metropolitan development in the United States, particularly during the twentieth century. The course focuses carefully (though not exclusively) on the ways in which public policies have reshaped the built and lived landscapes of metropolitan America while probing the complex, often hostile relationships among residents of cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Over the past three-quarters of a century, the United States has experienced a major shift from cities and the countryside to suburbs—a mass migration of government resources, jobs, capital, housing, people, and political power as significant as any other in American history. Together, these shifts have transformed the United States into a predominantly suburban nation. Our primary task in this course is to understand the causes and consequences of these developments. Because the fates of cities and suburbs are deeply intertwined, this course addresses urban history, policies, and politics from a metropolitan spatial perspective. Moreover, it seeks to explain and contextualize the impact of suburbanization on both central cities and rural hinterlands. How have public policies at the federal, state, and local levels contributed to suburban migrations and the deindustrialization of central cities? How have race, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality evolved within and shaped the development of metropolitan regions? Given the growing diversity of American suburbs, is it useful to think of cities and suburbs as fundamentally different? How can ordinary people and policy makers create better tools to ameliorate sprawl, racial and class segregation, and the so-called urban crisis? These are only a few of the central questions that this course addresses
The period spanning from the final books of the Hebrew Bible to the coming of Muhammad was formative and momentous for Jews. This course will introduce students to the major political, social, and cultural developments in Jewish history, including the return of the exiled Israelites from Babylonia to Judea; the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucids and the rise of Jewish autonomy, the life and death of Jesus and movement(s) that formed around him; the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, the rise of the rabbis and the production of rabbinic literature; and much more.
History 132D explores the history of Armenia and Armenians from ethnogenesis to the early modern period at the end of the 1700s within a regional and global context, which takes into account interactions and encounters with the empires and peoples that encompassed their orbit. It focuses on a number of key moments in the Armenian past that are crucial to understanding contemporary Armenian culture, identity, and memory: the politics of national identity and “ethnogenesis,” conversion to Christianity, invention of the Armenian script, the battle of Vardanank, the development of the global Armenian diaspora, print culture, national revival, early liberation movements, as well as relations between Armenians and their neighbors: Persians, Romans, Muslims, and others.
The European Union is today in crisis. From the Brexit vote of 2016, the ongoing sovereign debt crisis of Greece, and the rise of authoritarian, “Eurosceptic” parties across the continent, the Union is faced with several challenges to its legitimacy. In the midst of this crisis it is timely to turn a critical historical eye to the European project. What is “Europe”? How has its meaning changed historically? Can we speak of a single, coherent “European” space? And if the current union proves unsalvageable, does history offer any alternatives other than a return to the nation state?

This course explores the history of European unification, from its first radical visions in the nineteenth century, to its construction in the years of the Cold War and its contemporary crisis today. Over the quarter we will reflect on the tensions between two opposing tendencies within modern Europe – populism and technocracy – and will consider how these rival movements have mobilized the concept of “Europe” to their own ends. Our study will explore both the political-economic and cultural dimensions of the European project, bringing literature, art and film into dialogue with economic and political history. Finally, we will pay close attention to the rifts within Europe, between East and West, core and periphery, those that have been included in the project and those that have been excluded from it.

This course introduces students to interdisciplinary ethical analyses of science. It explores the social role of scientific knowledge, focusing on the history of the biological sciences with special attention to gender, race, class, and empire. How does science influence everyday life? How do the priorities of a society shape its approach to science? Over the past two decades, ethical and diversity issues in the practice science have grown dramatically in importance. Scholars as well as policy makers and activists have argued that the views of practicing scientists, of social scientists, and of philosophers should inform one another. Any systematic social and historical understanding of the sciences requires us to use a wide range of disciplines. We will survey the history and politics of biology, with a focus on the sciences of sexuality, race, and the body, the readings are drawn from academic studies of history, culture, and politics.
This course addresses a central theme of the Western intellectual tradition, the desire to reconcile rational philosophy (science) with religious and biblical authority.  While most popular presentations of the relationship between science and religion rely on simplistic models of conflict (the secular nature of modern science and its repeated conflicts with religion) or cooperation/co-existence (science and religion each have clearly defined domains), we hope to explore a wider variety of relationships. Moving beyond claims of superiority or mutual isolation, we will consider the complicated negotiation of boundaries and proper authority between science and religion. We will focus on two defining moments in the history of science and Western Christianity: the condemnation of Galileo by the Catholic Church and the development and reception of Darwin's theory of evolution. Topics include transformations in conceptions of reason, science, biblical interpretation, and divine intervention.
One of the great transformations in European and American life in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was the shift, for many people, from the countryside to cities and suburbs.  This course starts with a memoir of migration from rural Ireland to the United States. We then consider the rise of the industrial city in Great Britain and the European origin of suburbs before moving closer to home to examine the urban and suburban history of southern California. The theme tying our class together is the various abodes and forms of dwelling we encounter in the weeks’ readings. Students will encounter, search out and write about a range of historical sources (memoirs, scholarly articles, film, primary sources from Special Collections at Langson Library--and more!).

Prerequisite: HISTORY 12 or HISTORY 15A or HISTORY 15C or HISTORY 15D or HISTORY 16A or HISTORY 16B or HISTORY 16C or HISTORY 18A or HISTORY 21A or HISTORY 21B or HISTORY 21C or HISTORY 40A or HISTORY 40B or HISTORY 40C or HISTORY 60 or HISTORY 70A or HISTORY 70B or HISTORY 70C or HISTORY 70D or HISTORY 70E or HISTORY 70F. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

GE: (Ib)
o Freedom& Slavery in the Americas
This ten-week undergraduate seminar explores how enslaved men and women of the Americas negotiated, purchased, and legalized their freedom – before the twentieth century. These and other questions will drive this seminar: How did enslaved men and free men of color make masculine claims in courts and in battlefields? How did enslaved and freed women defend their honor, in public and domestic places, against and within the dictates of slaveholders? What were the political goals of rebellions and African Diaspora publicly led by men but openly supported by women? Examining visual sources, enslaved testimonies, Inquisition trials, and other primary sources, we will ask how enslaved and freed people defined freedom.
Readings, films, and other course materials will focus on whether legal manumission, emancipation, and abolition allowed men of African descent to seize their citizenship rights, or for women of African descent to defend their honor. As a seminar devoted to the discussion of assigned articles, chapters, and audiovisual material, we will work together to articulate the concerns and the politics of the current historiography. Evaluation will be based on seminar participation and participants’ weekly assignments leading to a research paper of their choice pertaining to the course theme.

Restriction: Upper-division students only. History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.
This course is an introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, a collection or ancient library of fascinating texts produced by dramatically different groups in drastically different places and time periods. The texts in this collection are some of the world’s most enduring works of literature, ideology, theology, and more, and continue to shape our world, just as our world continues to shape how the texts are understood.
The goal of the course is to acquaint students with the central texts in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and to situate these texts in their historical contexts. Secondary goals of the course include introducing students to the various theoretical and methodological frameworks scholars have used to better understand these text, and well as to introduce students to the reception of these texts by ancient Jews and Christians.

GE: (IV)
Brazil, Latin America's largest and the world's fifth largest country, combines riches with poverty, vast jungles and some of the world's largest cities. The only New World Portuguese colony and the first continental European American colony, Brazil was the first American slave-dominated export economy and successful monarchy. A mixture of Amerindian, European, African and Japanese people, the world’s largest Catholic country with a large Evangelical population, Brazil has been for five hundred years a laboratory for multi-culturalism and imperialism. It received the largest number of African (forced) and Japanese immigrants and third most Europeans. In the twentieth century it had both democracy and military and civilian dictatorship, neo-fascists, liberals, monarchists and socialist revolutionaries. Today it is governed by a social democratic government headed by a woman president.

The B in BRICS, Brazilians have gone from from originating “dependency theory” to becoming one of the world’s most influential geopolitical players. This course will look at the historical experiences of Brazilians and Brazil to understand their struggle for development and justice and their impact on the broader world. There will be midterm and final exams, three short (3 to 5 pages) papers, in-class discussions and extra credit assignments.
This course offers the history of an idea and a history of the effects of that idea. Students learn how numerous ancient mythological 'evil entities' in various world cultures contributed to the devil idea. Students then trace the development of devil traditions in ancient Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic texts and contexts. Students then learn of the deadly effects of the devil idea: the devil idea fed centuries-long European anti-Jewish sentiment; it aided in the persecution and killing of European heretics; it was a major factor in a 300-year-long European satanic panic called the witchcraze, which executed some 100,000 'witches'. Next, students examine the uses of the devil in medieval European folklore and modern Western literature. Students then review a 1500-year history of devil iconography in Western art and a 100+ year history of the devil in Western films. Lastly, students survey the relation of the devil idea to very recent sociological phenomena like black metal music, satanism, satanic ritual abuse, and modern witchcraft. Along with lectures, there will be weekly readings (book chapters and/or handouts), weekly writing (short reviews of the reading), and weekly full-class discussions. Since the class meets once a week, any absence has a very ill effect on grades. One final exam (comprehensive). By the way: the class is not an examination of---or a promotion of---the occult.
There are few original civilizations in world history, so it is noteworthy that the peoples of the Americas would have generated two of them –Mesoamerica in the North, and the Andes in the south. Even before the arrival of the Spanish and the Portuguese, the Americas have been a complex amalgam of cultural identities and differences. Empire –political, religious, and aesthetic –was possible only once the idea of cultural purity was abandoned in Colonial Latin America. This course will cover the arch between the rise and fall of the largest and most populated European colonial empire of the early modern era –the Spanish monarchy– and the nineteenth-century encounters of the new Latin American republics with the rising hemispheric power of the United States, which represented for the now “Latin Americans” a challenge for their new conceptions of sovereignty, freedom, and equality.

In the 1960s, anti-war activists instructed their contemporaries to “make love, not war.” But are love and war, pleasure and violence truly incompatible? This course explores the troubling entanglement between desire and brutality in Europe’s modern era, spanning the violence of European overseas expansion to the scrambling of gender roles and the alleged breakdown of morality in twentieth-century global warfare. Placing gender and sexuality at the center of our study, we will reconsider Europe’s age of catastrophes by examining the eros of violence, the persuasive appeal of gender and sexual politics to varying political ideologies – including liberalism, fascism and communism – and the crises that shaped the intimate lives of European men and women.
Saints, namely people deemed holy by their local communities or the wider church, influenced every aspect of medieval European life. Early Christian martyrs from the Roman Empire embodied the ideals and hopes of the growing Christian community and continued to inspire the conduct of medieval Europeans long after their death. Towns that housed shrines to important saints survived as centers of commerce even as the western European economy shrunk in the aftermath of the Roman Empire’s contraction. Stories of the virtues and miracles of saints circulated widely throughout Europe and were used to shape the behavior of kings and peasants alike. In this course we will examine the central role played by saints in late ancient and medieval Europe as a means of understanding how particular understandings of holiness reinforced and challenged political and social norms and also evolved over time. At the same time, we will be improving our skills as historians by learning how to read complicated primary sources, acquainting ourselves with historical arguments about a time and place that was vastly different from our own, and practicing our writing skills through in-class exercises and more formal papers. Students will have the opportunity to do a research project as their final exam if they chose to do so. This course fulfills the upper-division writing requirement for UCI and the historical writing requirement for the history major.

Prerequisite: HISTORY 12 or HISTORY 15A or HISTORY 15C or HISTORY 15D or HISTORY 16A or HISTORY 16B or HISTORY 16C or HISTORY 18A or HISTORY 21A or HISTORY 21B or HISTORY 21C or HISTORY 40A or HISTORY 40B or HISTORY 40C or HISTORY 60 or HISTORY 70A or HISTORY 70B or HISTORY 70C or HISTORY 70D or HISTORY 70E or HISTORY 70F. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

GE: (Ib)
No detailed description available.
The United States became a modern, urban-industrial society in the late 19th Century. This transformation changed the economic circumstances of many Americans and the broader social structure. It also inspired reformers, who hoped to transform the state to meet the challenges of a modern capitalist society. Crusading men and women sought better city services, protections for workers, environmental conservation, and government regulation of big business. However, their initiatives also reflected deep divisions in society with regard to income, race, ethnicity, and gender, and many seemed to reject modernization altogether. This course will examine America’s transformation between 1890 and 1920 with particular attention paid to the experiences of workers, women, children, and immigrants. History 100W fulfills the upper-division writing requirement for UCI and the historical writing requirement for the History Major with requirements that are set by the school and the department.  Our goal will be to analyze how historians approach a topic, examine evidence, and create arguments and students will demonstrate understanding through written work.

Prerequisite: HISTORY 12 or HISTORY 15A or HISTORY 15C or HISTORY 15D or HISTORY 16A or HISTORY 16B or HISTORY 16C or HISTORY 18A or HISTORY 21A or HISTORY 21B or HISTORY 21C or HISTORY 40A or HISTORY 40B or HISTORY 40C or HISTORY 60 or HISTORY 70A or HISTORY 70B or HISTORY 70C or HISTORY 70D or HISTORY 70E or HISTORY 70F. Satisfactory completion of the Lower-Division Writing requirement.

Restriction: History Majors have first consideration for enrollment.

GE: (Ib)
No detailed description available.
Why have women become revolutionaries? What kind of experiences did they have? How did sex and gender become part of revolutionary politics? Are there broader patterns and influences that cross time and space? This course seeks to examines these questions through the lens of several revolutionary moments in which women took prominent roles as activists and leaders. While we will look briefly at the longer history of women’s activism and revolutionary traditions, our main focus will be on case studies from the late 19th to the mid-20th century, including Russia, Ireland, and Algeria. Our sources will range from memoirs and autobiographies to letters, revolutionary tracts, and works of fiction, and we will watch several films, including The Battle of Algiers.
The Holocaust, the Nazi state’s attempt to murder all European Jews, is a defining moment in modern history. How do we comprehend the incomprehensible? Can we make sense of such a horrifying event? Does it defy explanation? Is it unique or can we compare it with other forms of genocide? In this course, we will explore these questions by learning about the nature of Jewish communities in Germany before the Holocaust; considering other forms of genocide that preceded the Holocaust; and analyzing the Nazi rise to power and the Nazi state’s move toward the “final solution. In the second half of the course, we will look carefully at how the Holocaust has been remembered and commemorated since 1945. Readings will consist primarily of historical primary sources.

No detailed description available.
History 190: Women and Sexuality in Early Modern China

Winter 2019

Course Description

Qitao Guo

This is reading seminar designed for upper-division students. It will focus on recent scholarship (mostly monographic writings) on the history of women and sexuality in late imperial/early modern China. The seminar participants will take turns in leading the class discussions. You are not expected to lead the entire session for three hours, but you should prepare a set of discussion questions related to the readings for the week you have chosen to lead. Starting from the second week, the discussion questions should be distributed via email to every seminar participant one day before the class meets.

Participants will write one book review (4-5 pages) and a term paper of roughly ten pages in length.

The term paper, due on the Wednesday of the finals week, should be a historiography essay on one of the topics covered in the seminar (or at least loosely related to the course). You may choose any topic you wish, but the essay should be a critically imaginative piece that reflects your own view of the topic you have decided to present, and of the historical scholarship—with its accomplishments and failings—so far devoted to that subject. Obviously, you need to go beyond the materials assigned in class in order to make such a scholarly assessment. I will be ready to discuss the selection of the topic beforehand with you, especially after the first book review is completed. In many cases, the topic will quite simply be one of those you have taken on as the discussant to report to the seminar.
This course will study coffee's 500 year life in Ethiopia,  the Middle East, Indian Ocean, Europe, South  and North America and Asia. We will explore coffee's consumption and production to understand  its cultural, economic, social, political, ecological and medical consequences as we follow its path from African tree to a global commodity consumed in homes and cafes on six continents. Coffee in the US will be a particular focus and we will study Specialty Coffee and Fair Trade Coffee as well.
This class addresses the history of the Second World War within the context of its origins in Europe. The course will discuss some of the many wars that made up this global conflict, such as the civil wars between collaborators and resistance movements in Nazi-occupied Europe, the Allied bombing war that targeted civilians, the Nazi war against the European Jews. The course will highlight the moral dimensions of World War II that appeared in the daunting choices faced by both individuals and groups. We will examine the attempts, at the war's end, to administer justice and address questions of memory and of loss.
Making the Modern World: Empires, Revolutions, and Globalization, 1450s – 1820s
How did the world become global? Starting in the 1450s, this course explores how mariners, merchants, and monarchs connected the globe through faster ships, the exchange of goods, and colonial governance. Today’s highly interconnected world has a history, including the rise of global empires, the expansion of export economies, and worldwide political revolutions. As race became fixed, gender roles shifted, and science described and classified through Western eyes, human actions made the world modern. Together we will ask how large-scale resistance to centralized rule and the persistence of people’s everyday lives shaped the changes we now call globalization and modernity.