New Paths in Digital Humanities: Connecting Research, Teaching and the Market in a European Flagship Project

 History     May 30 2019 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Langson Library 228

The COURAGE portal has received outstanding critical acclaim in Europe for its complex services for researchers, educators, archives and SMEs. This talk reveals the groundwork behind the portal the main feature of which is an intelligent living database that describes and connects collections of counterculture and non-conformism under Communism in Eastern Europe. Showcasing COURAGE will be used to present pioneering practices that open new possibilities for the Humanities in professional community building, research database and learning platform development, and addressing the needs of the private sector that potentially lead to investments in the Humanities.

Tamás Scheibner is a currently a Fulbright Fellow at Stanford and is an Assistant Professor in Literary and Cultural Studies at Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE).  Also a Research Fellow at the Institute of History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, his principal research interests lie in cultural and knowledge transfers across borders and regions. His current book project deals with the history of Comparative Literature in the context of cultural diplomacy during the Cold War, and he has also been doing work on the culture of dissent and nonconformism in Eastern Europe.  He has a strong interest in digital humanities and has published a monograph on Hungarian socialist realism.