Prof. Annalisa Coliva Joins the University of Glasgow's COGITO Epistemology Work-in-Progress

 Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society     Mar 17 2021 | 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM Zoom

The University of Glasgow is pleased to announce that its next COGITO Epistemology Work-in-Progress
Zoom Mini-Workshop will be held Wednesday, 17 March, 3pm - 6pm GMT (7am - 10am PST).

Speakers and titles: 

3pm-4pm: Jesper Kallestrup (Aberdeen) ‘Non-Reductive Group Knowledge’ 
4pm-5pm: Martin Kusch (Vienna) ‘Georg Simmel’s Defense of Relativism'
5pm-6pm: Annalisa Coliva (UC Irvine) ‘Philosophy, Disagreement, and Hinge Epistemology'

Each session is one hour. Talks: 30 to 40 minutes, followed by Q and A. All times British time.

Zoom Meeting ID: 290 968 6206
Passcode: COGITO2020 (case sensitive)