Alumnae Mentoring Workshop

 Comparative Literature     Feb 4 2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Zoom

Please join us for a discussion on academic vision and professional development with three alumnae of UCI Comparative Literature and East Asian Studies. The speakers will share their journeys from graduate school to their current positions, and talk about their advice on research, teaching, work/life balance, and professionalization. We will discuss questions including but not limited to how the UC graduate experience shaped their current work and academic vision; what challenges arose in the transitions after graduate school; and how to situate academic work and provide interventions across the disciplinary divides of Comparative Literature, East Asian Studies, and Humanities.

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Lan Duong, University of Southern California, Cinema & Media Studies
Erin Huang, Princeton University, Comparative Literature and East Asian Studies
Tiffany Yun-Chu Tsai, The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures

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