When is Beirut? Symposium

 UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts     Nov 20 2019 | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM HG 1010 and CAC 3201

When is Beirut? Symposium
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Humanities Gateway (HG 1010)
2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Contemporary Arts Center (CAC 3201)

Speakers: Speakers include: Juli Carson (UCI), Noelle Buabbud (American University, Beirut), Sohail Daulatzai (UCI), Bryan Reynolds (UCI), Raed Rafei (director, "74 (The Reconstitution of a Struggle”)), Maya Mikdashi (Rutgers University), Michael Moshe Dahan (UCI), Stefania Pandolfo (UC Berkeley), Panos Aprahamian (director, “Yabandjo”, American University, Beirut), Mark Le Vine (UCI), Saree Makdisi (UCLA), Ussama Makdisi (UC Berkeley)

In collaboration with UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts, the School of Humanities’ emphasis in Global Middle Eastern Studies and UCI’s Illuminations initiative, When is Beirut? Symposium is a one-day event organized concurrently with, and in response to, UC Irvine’s Fall 2019 Room Gallery film installation program Beirut Lab: 1975(2020). When is Beirut? Symposium will invite UC-wide theoreticians, emerging scholars, and film/video practitioners whose work and research engages with Lebanon to interrogate both the film essays and the theoretical propositions which subtend the works in the exhibition.When is Beirut? Symposium will furthermore invert the conventional model by which theoreticians discuss theories and artist/practitioners explicate artworks. In the symposium’s morning session, which will take place in the School of Humanities’ HG 1010, artists and film/video practitioners will be invited to challenge, and extend, the exhibition’s theoretical propositions.  In the afternoon session, which will take place adjacent to the Room Gallery in the University’s Contemporary Arts Center Colloquium facility (CAC 3201), theoreticians and scholars will be asked to engage with the works on view in the film installation. Through paper presentations and panel discussions, theoreticians and practitioners will meet to confront multiple, simultaneous and divergent perspectives on the political, theoretical, and aesthetic consequences of the Lebanese Civil War, 1975-1991.

Beirut Lab 1975(2020) or  again, rubbed smooth, a moment in time__caesura
On view in Room Gallery through December 14th, 2019