Krieger Hall

Fall Quarter

Dept Course No and Title Instructor
Focusing on the politics of family, migration, memory, and social movements, this course provides an interdisciplinary overview of twentieth-century U.S. history.  The award-winning readings offer a sampling of the methodological, theoretical, and ethical questions that arise in the course of reclaiming and interpreting how people made meaning in their own lives and in the lives of others. The fields of labor, gender, (im)migration, urban, and critical race studies will be emphasized. Furthermore, calibrating scholarship so that it can be accessible across multiple publics will be the lode star for the seminar with one session led by a noted documentarian. Course requirements include one in-class presentation based on the assigned readings, a weekly précis, and a substantial historiographical essay based on the books selected for the seminar. 
Rebels and Radicals in Modern Chinese History

This class will focus on people who have tried to transform China, sometimes politically but also in some cases socially and culturally, between the middle of the nineteenth century and the present. It will look at the various movements they have started or joined, and how these have been studied and interpreted by different generations of scholars.  Taking a broad view of the subject, we will look at historical actors ranging from religious prophets to feminist fighters for gender equality, from students and workers who took to the streets to demand their rights to intellectuals who tried to revolutionize educational systems and the way that people communicated with one another.  We will explore events that succeeded in toppling governments and struggles that failed to achieve their stated aims, yet still affected the course of Chinese history.  Most of the readings will be by historians, but we will also discuss the work of some sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists and scholars of literature, and pay some attention as well to the way that filmmakers and writers of fiction have dealt with riots, rebellions, and revolts.  Students will be expected to participate fully in all discussions and write short essays and one longer historiographic essay.
This three-quarter course is available to all history doctoral students in their third year.  Students may sign up for this class to fulfill the full minimum required course credit.  This course meets infrequently but those meetings are required.  Students are required to develop reading lists for oral examinations and make progress on the dissertation prospectus.  The bulk of the work for this class takes place outside the classroom.  Students will read deeply in their individual readings lists, write summary notes in preparation for oral exams, and write drafts and a final version of the dissertation prospectus. They will be expected to meet with advisors and other members of their orals committee and dissertation committee about oral exam themes and the dissertation prospectus. (Advisors and committee members, not GPC or Prof. Tinsman, sign-off on exam lists and the prospectus.) History 298 also provides workshops on preparing oral exam questions on teaching fields; time-management; pre-dissertation research; and grant writing. Students are required to finish their orals exams and prospectus colloquia by the end of the spring quarter unless given an extension by GPC and/or the Department Chair.
This directed reading course surveys key scholarship on the history of gender and consumption, drawn from studies of the United States and Latin America. Requirements include three short review papers and weekly in-class presentations. Students must have instructor approval to enroll.

This seminar is an introduction to fundamental theoretical questions that have formed and challenged the discipline of history. It opens by examining the particularity of western historical thinking, and subsequent sessions focus on key theoretical concepts and the ways they have been used by historians. Each week students will focus on a pair of concepts that have been brought into a productive connection, and explore the fundamental debates over their relationship. We will read key theoretical texts alongside monographs and articles that seek to put these concepts into practice in historical ways, and also to push back against theoretical models. The broad ground covered will include debates around language, power, the body, culture and modernity.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a defining moment of the twentieth century that marked the birth of the world's first socialist state and inaugurated the ideological conflict of the Cold War. In fact, several separate revolutions occurred that year, from the overthrow of the monarchy in February through the Bolsheviks' seizure of power in October. This course, which marks the centenary of the 1917 Revolution, will dive deeply into the revolutionary year itself, exploring the historical context of autocracy, social change, and world war, the complex dynamics of mass social movements, the evolving tactics and platforms of political parties, and the dreams, aspirations, and fears that motivated ordinary people. The last few weeks of the course will then consider how the Revolution was subsequently remembered and commemorated, including in personal accounts, mass celebrations, and film; the final week will look at its legacies and meanings in Russia today.

Please note that History 290 is also offered as an undergraduate course (History 190). Graduate students should enroll in History 290. 
History 290 is a special topics class, linked to the undergraduate seminar History 190: Race, Science, Gender, Empire, but requiring addition work for graduate credit. Students will be required to attend an extra hour per week, possibly consisting of student presentations/ group discussion/ visiting speaker events/ joint symposia with related research groups, or other events to be determined through Fall Quarter 2017.

This course explores the interconnected histories of racial science and empire. Readings will focus on gendered and colonial contexts of European racial science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Racial theories of European identity, American IQ, and Global North advancement were built on data gathered from non-western contexts. How can we understand the intertwined histories of science and the emergence of a racialized, gendered “Third World”? What do colonial and post-colonial historians have to say about science, and how have scientists played a part in the emergence of post-colonial politics?

A 1968 scientific symposium on race records a scholarly observation about primitive contexts: ”Where it is a duty to worship the sun, it is fairly certain to be a crime to study the laws of heat” (an “Englishman of letters,” cited in Mead et. al. 1968, p 177). We will examine the strategic importance of scientific fieldwork in primitive sites, as well as the intellectual histories of universal and local knowledge, rationality and worship, science and belief.

The American anthropologist Margaret Mead, renowned for her psychological studies of “primitive youth,” based on fieldwork among adolescent girls in Samoa, concluded this symposium, saying: “As long as genetic markers—pigmentation, hair form, facial configuration—are used to identify, stigmatize, or glorify certain portions of the population in ways that give them differential access to education, to economic resources, and to deference, the biological knowledge of the inheritance and significance of such characteristics will be socially and politically important.” (Science and the Concept of Race, ed. Mead, Dobzhansky, et. al. 1968, NY: Columbia University Press).  We will seek a historical understanding of the centrality of science to global race and gender politics.

This is a special topics class, with a focus on gendered and imperial contexts of racial science. Since science is historically shaped by both theoretical and practical knowledge, students must be prepared to engage at all levels required by the primary texts: empirical, practical, and theoretical. We will address a range of canonical as well as non-canonical texts, ranging from “racial science” classics to popular commentary, fiction, and film.
Course Description
How did the world become global? When did that happen? Is global history different from globalization? 
Are these foundational questions best approached by investigating the development of capitalism, the fossil fuel revolution, the evolution of state systems, or changing ideologies?  Through reading, writing and discussion, students in this class will engage with contemporary perspectives on these seminal issues in world history. The course will structure conversations around themes that make for compelling reading, writing, and teaching on a global scale. In ten weeks we cannot do justice to the diversity of approaches that animate the “new world history,” so the seminar will help history students develop a foundation on which to build their own work in the field. The seminar is also a good introduction to foundational readings on capitalism, modernity, and globalization for students in other disciplines.

Specific goals for History students
This seminar is designed to help you construct a functional reading list in world history to prepare for the qualifying exam at either the MA and PhD levels. The seminar will also introduce you to principles, strategies, and frameworks for teaching world history. Historians will develop companies in three areas: 
• Establish working definitions of world history
• Describe the parameters of the field of world history
    o identify debates or questions central to the field
    o evaluate strengths and weakness of the field
    o explain continuities and significant turning points in world historical scholarship
• Differentiate among approaches to world history
    o evaluate the contributions of specific work
• Identify the relative abundance (and paucity) of some themes in world history compared to others and offer explanations for these differences
• Develop a reading list for the qualifying exam in world history

• Develop expertise and specific strategies for teaching world history
• Design a world history syllabus
• Develop a detailed lesson plan or instructional unit for a world history class
• Identify specific resources to support world history instruction

• Develop connections between world historical scholarship and your other exam fields
• Demonstrate familiarity with multiple world historical research methods and competence in at least one.
• Identify specific challenges of world historical research and propose strategies to address those challenges.