GFE Emerging Scholars series

During each of these lunchtime events, an advanced Graduate Feminist Emphasis student discusses his or her work in progress. The initial 45-minute presentation is followed by a 15-30 minute question and discussion period. The Brown Bag series contributes to the professional training of our students, providing presenters with feedback for revising dissertation chapters or articles and preparing for entry into the academic job market.

Faculty Research Colloquia

Individual members of the Core and Affiliated Faculty present on their current research interests and projects. The 45-minute presentation is followed by a 30 minute question and discussion period. In addition to providing a forum for faculty to discuss and refine works-in-progress with an engaged audience, the Faculty Research Colloquia allows students in the Graduate Feminist Emphasis to learn about diverse objects and methods of study in specific disciplines and interdisciplinary fields.

Invited Speakers

Each year we host presentations by prominent thinkers from around the world who are making crucial contributions to the field of Feminist Transnational Studies. Our guests have included distinguished as well as younger scholars, and attorneys, leaders of non-governmental organizations, social justice activists, writers, scientists, and artists. The presentations provide an opportunity for audiences to learn about emerging scholarship and ongoing activities of significance to our field. Please click on our list of Past Events for a listing of some of our recent guests.

Keywords Interdisciplinary Conversations

Each quarter a selected panel will lead a discussion at our well attended series on Keywords - contested terms with overlapping, sometimes catachrestic, meanings that recur in various and divergent contexts. Past keywords include embedded, regulation, area, offshore, private, immunity, pain, transparency, author, public, movement, property and degradation . Stay tuned for information on upcoming Keywords events.