La noción de museo de arte en la Roma del Persiles

Department: Spanish and Portuguese

Date and Time: November 21, 2014 | 12:00 PM-2:00 PM

Event Location: Seymour Menton Conference Room Humanities Hall 344 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Event Details

Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California, Irvine


Prof. Steven Hutchinson
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Wisconsin, Madison

Modes of cross-cultural understanding
in the early modern Mediterranean


Prof. Mercedes Alcalá Galán
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Wisconsin, Madison

La noción de museo de arte en la Roma del Persiles

Steven Hutchinson has worked on writing and travel (Cervantine Journeys), ethics in literary studies (Economí­a Ética en Cervantes), and has written many articles on topics including utopian thought, poetics, rhetoric, emotion, eroticism, geography, race, cultural and religious otherness. He is currently concluding a book project entitled Writing the Early Modern Mediterranean, and has recently co-edited a volume of the new journal eHumanista/Cervantes under the rubric “Cervantes and the Mediterranean”. He is Vice-President of the Cervantes Society of America.

Mercedes Alcalá Galán’s research is oriented primarily towards topics in poetics and gender studies in early modern Spain, with special emphasis on visual studies. She has published a book on Cervantes, Escritura desatada: poéticas de la representación en Cervantes as well as La silva curiosa de Julián de Medrano: estudio y edición critica, and is author of over forty articles on early modern literature as well as contemporary Spanish literature. She is currently working on a book about the literary and pictorial representations of women's sexuality in early modern art and literature.