Purchases / Compras
Pricing / Precios
Purchasing options
1) You may choose from these forms of payment that GESTOS accepts:
*  Make a check payable to GESTOS, and mail your order or subscription to GESTOS. 
*  Use your credit card . Please mail / email / fax the following information:

Amount to charge: US $
Card Number:     ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
3-digit verification code on back of card:     ____  ____ ____
or 4-digit verification code on front of Amex:     ____  ____ ____  ____
Expiration date: ___ ___ / ___ ___
Name on Card:
Billing Address :

Signature (or name of person ordering):

* Use paypal.com to send payments to gestos@uci.edu.
* Transfer of funds to GESTOS' account. In this case, please request the account number by e-mail and add US $ 10 for bank charges.

Contact information:
                                Spanish and Portuguese Department
                                University of California 
                                Irvine, CA 92697

                                Email: gestos@uci.edu
                                Telephone: (949) 533 - 0209

2) Upon payment, you will receive and email containing the password to access the item you have purchased.

Opciones para comprar