
STAR = Society, Technology, and Race

STAR seeks to facilitate new public engagements at the interface of science, race, and society, communicating esoteric historical and scientific critique in accessible terms to diverse global publics. STAR aspires to develop the graduate and undergraduate pedagogical dimension of the conversations. Click to learn more!

STAR, a workshop at UC Irvine supported by the Consortium for Black Studies, focuses on how ‘race’ and the ‘human’ have been conceptualized in the sciences from the eighteenth century to the present. It is one of the three workshops at UCI organized under the rubric of the Black Studies consortium directed by Nahum Chandler:  Science, Technology, and Race (STAR), Critical Historiography and Critical Theoretical Enquiry CHASTE), and Blackness and the Asian Century (BASIC), all of which have been underway since the 2014-2015 academic year.)

To learn more and join these conversations, contact Nahum Chandler or Kavita Philip.