Murray Krieger Hall Directory

MKH is the location of our Gender Neutral Bathrooms (1st Floor, RM 114 and 119), and also our Lactation Station (RM 123). Please see the Dean's Office Executive Assistant (ext. 5133) for access to the Lactation Station.

Adams, Tim Classics 400J (949) 824-6735
Alexander, Jonathan English 153 (949) 824-7397
Bartlett, Jami English 169 (949) 824-6719
Borucki, Alex History 349 (949) 824-6521
Burt, Ellen English 173 (949) 824-8297
Chaturvedi, Vinayak History 444 (949) 824-1260
Chen, Yong History 239 (949) 824-6521
Christensen, Jerome English 473 (949) 824-9046
Claxton, Cynthia Classics 400B (949) 824-7120
Daryaee, Touraj History 324 (949) 824-6524
Do, Bibi History 200C (949) 824-4626
Engler, Samantha History 200A (949) 824-8248
Eyster, Patricia History 200D (949) 824-6364
Fahs, Alice History 230 (949) 824-6521
Farmer, Sarah History 233 (949) 824-6521
Giannopoulou, Zina Classics 420 (949) 824-6735
Godden, Richard English 163 (949) 824-5061
Guo, Qitao History 353 (949) 824-6521
Haynes, Douglas History 224 (949) 824-2798
Igler, David History 449 (949) 824-6521
Imada, Adria History 200 (949) 824-6521
James, Winston History 460 (949) 824-8021
Jarratt, Susan Classics 400G (949) 824-6406
Kanda, Marcus History 200B (949) 824-6522
Karanika, Andromache Classics 400A (949) 824-6735
Katz, Emily History 453 (949) 824-6521
Kongshaug, Erik History 459 (949) 824-6521
Larson, Gerry History 360
LeVine, Mark History 220 (949) 824-6521
Lehmann, Matthias History 244 (949) 824-6521
Mally, Lynn History 343 (949) 824-6521
McLoughlin, Nancy History 249 (949) 824-6521
Miles, Jack English 472 (949) 824-1919
Millward, Jessica History 359 (949) 824-9814
Mitchell, Laura History 243 (949) 824-6521
Moeller, Robert History 452 (949) 824-6521
Morrissey, Susan History 200
Munger, Jennifer History 300F (949) 824-0514
O'Toole, Rachel History 363 (949) 824-6318
Pantelia, Maria Classics 434 (949) 824-7709
Perlman, Allison History 339 (949) 824-6521
Philip, Kavita History 230
Pierson, Patricia English/Lit. J. 160 (949) 824-6876
Porter, James Classics 440 (949) 824-8019
Radhakrishnan, Rajagopalan English 159 (949) 824-2942
Ragsdale, Kathryn History 323 (949) 824-6521
Rodriguez, Jaime History/J. Mex Studies 300B (949) 824-6521
Rosenberg, Emily History 200H (949) 824-9313
Salinger, Sharon History 223 (949) 824-7761
Seed, Patricia History 260 (949) 824-6521
Silver, Victoria English 118 (949) 824-1094
Steintrager, James English 174 (949) 824-1576
Szalay, Michael English 146 (949) 824-3744
Tackett, Timothy History 333 (949) 824-6521
Thomas, Brook English 162 (949) 824-5881
Thorne, Tanis History 329 (949) 824-6521
Tinsman, Heidi History 259 (949) 824-6521
Topik, Steven History 252 (949) 824-8053
Van Sant, Ann English 144 (949) 824-1986
Walthall, Anne History 234
Warminski, Andrzej English 500C (949) 824-5954
Washizuka, Kazumo Classics 400C (949) 824-7254
Wiener, Jon History 229
Wu, Yuting History 200J (949) 824-5891