Japanese Cultural Showcase カルチャーショーケース
May 6, 2006

Award Winners (受賞者)

1. Award for Most Fluent Japanese Language Performance(日本語流暢大賞)

Kendall Stewart (UCI)
...Speech: "Yuuko and the Ghost " 幽子と幽霊

2. Award for Best Acting(演技賞)

Michael Roberts, Mattew Martinez, and Grace Lin (IVC)
...Demonstration: "Two Ninja " 二人の忍者

3. Award for Most Informative Performance (勉強になった大賞)

Serop Gharibian (IVC)
...Demonstration of Kabuki Steps "歌舞伎の足回り”

4. Award for Most Inspiring Performance(やる気を起こしてくれた賞)

Stephen Christian (IVC)
...Speech: "The Will Written in Japanese" 日本語で書かれた遺言状

5. Award for Most Humorous Performance(爆笑大賞)

Sean Malloy, Christopher Doria, & Naomi Ikedam (CSULA)
...Skit: "Japanese CUltura and Traditions and Their Total Awesomeness "

6. Awards for Originality(発想が良かった賞)

Tim Tien, Rose Chen, and Diana Lin (IVC)
...Computer Kami-shibai "The Life of Mary in Japan" メアリーさんの日本での半生

7. Award for Best Musical Performance(音楽大賞)

Chrislyn Lynton (UCI)
---Song: "In This Distant Town" 遠いこの街で

8. Specials Award(特別賞)

Ronald Libago (CSULA)
---Song: "Ashita ga arusa " 明日があるさ