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The UCI Library Opened the New Korea Corner

The UCI Library opened the new Korea Corner on November 30, 2016, with a ceremony supported by the Censulate General of the Repulic of Korea in Los Angeles. The UCI Library received $5,000 from The Korea Foundation to purchase new books and videos. These expanded resources for Korean Studies will en

The UCI Library opened the new Korea Corner on November 30, 2016, with a ceremony supported by the Censulate General of the Repulic of Korea in Los Angeles. The UCI Library received $5,000 from The Korea Foundation to purchase new books and videos. These expanded resources for Korean Studies will enhance academic learning and raise cultural awareness for the campus and community. 

The ceremony saw the convergence of campus-wide, local and overseas delegates to share visions of Korean Studies programs at UC Irvine. Our esteemed speakers were as follows:
  • Deputy Consul-General, Sang Min Ryu
  • Victoria Jones, Ph.D., Assistant Vice Chancellor for Global Engagement
  • Kyung Hyun Kim, Ph.D., Professor, East Asian Languages and Literature
  • Soon-Woo Chung, Ph.D., Director of Korean Studies Promotion Service, The Academy of Korea Studies
  • Chungmoo Choi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Literature
  • Madeline Collins, UCI Student (Junior), Korean Major
  • Joy Kim, Board of Directors for Friends of Korea, Curator of the Korean Heritage Library at USC
  • Eleana Kim, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Anthropology
  • Jerry Won Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English
Delegations from The Korea Foundations, Academy of Korean Studies, Center for Critical Korean Studies, and UCI Library joined ribbon-cutting ceremony after the reception.

The event closed with cultural performances. A team of p’ansori, a Korean genre of musical storytelling by a vocalist and a drummer, performed at a courtyard near Gateway Plaza. Two student groups, Hansori (Korean traditional percussion performers) and 0 dB (K-pop band), enriched our celebration as well.