Strategic Plan
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IV. Financial Foundation and Infrastructure to Implement this Plan

In light of the national and state trend toward decreasing state support for higher education, the School must seek new resources in order to maintain quality and achieve new goals. We must attain sufficient resources to retain and reward outstanding faculty, lecturers and staff while simultaneously supporting our growing student body and furthering academic research.

1. As the campus grows, increase the size of and support for SOH faculty and staff

  • Given the campus plans to enroll up to 40,000 students, grow SOH’s research and teaching capacity by 30 additional faculty over the next 5-10 years to form a tenure-track faculty strength of 200 FTE.
  • Project addition of one new staff FTE for every six faculty FTE.
  • As new revenue becomes available, establish systematic processes to ensure faculty and staff salaries are competitive and meritorious work is rewarded.
  • Acknowledge, reward, and retain our best faculty, staff and lecturers by using salary and recognition incentives to keep UCI competitive with outside offers.
  • Support active grant-seeking culture with salary supplementation.
  • Nominate candidates for major external awards, fellowships, academies, and other honors, and recognize staff, faculty, and lecturers with departmental and schoolwide awards for exceptional contributions.
  • Encourage and fund professional development opportunities.
  • Advocate for full central funding of Unit-18 benefits, merits and contractually negotiated salary adjustments.

2. Increase research support and opportunities

  • Develop strategies and resources to provide basic research support to an average $5,000 per faculty FTE/year ($1 million/year).
  • Building on various opportunities with state, federal and foreign agencies as well as private foundations, substantially increase the number of competitive grant proposals submitted by SOH faculty.
  • Streamline grant, contract, and partnership submission processes so that applying for grants is more faculty-friendly.
  • Increase pre- and post-award administrative support for funded research, including advanced writing and editorial skills for grant proposals, especially large, institutional grants (Title VI, FIPSE, Mellon, etc.) that can support and fund broad School initiatives.
  • Increase our collaboration with the UC system via the UCHRI, which along with the wider UC Humanities Network should be funded as ongoing infrastructure.
  • Increase our collaboration and association with UC EAP to increase support and infrastructure for international study and foreign languages.

3. Develop a financial plan for maximum growth and sustainability

  • Actively seek funding from campus and university programs, such as faculty hiring programs sponsored by the provost, grants offered by Office of Research, and system programs such as the UCOP MRPI.
  • Maintain a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching by senate faculty.
  • Increase enrollment in Humanities classes taught in Summer Session to improve access to courses and provide revenue to the School.
  • Increase enrollment in Humanities classes by non-UCI students via the Access UCI program of University Extension.
  • Increase the number of students matriculating into Humanities undergraduate and graduate programs, including emerging 4+1 (BA/MA) programs.
  • Explore new revenue opportunities such as self-supporting programs that also support our academic mission.

4. Strategically increase philanthropic support

  • Align fundraising with the academic priorities indicated in Sections I, II and III. Goals: Name the School, name buildings and research centers, and endow faculty chairs and student scholarships.
  • Enlist the partnership of department chairs and faculty in raising external support for at least 20 endowed chairs and term chairs/professorships ensuring the recruitment and retention of exemplary faculty.
  • Seek endowment opportunities to establish self-sustaining interdisciplinary research centers and programs.
  • Increase support for student scholarships and fellowships to allow the university to meet the demands of a growing student body and ensure the recruitment of the highest caliber students. Goals: 100 new graduate fellowships or GSRs; 250 scholarships for study abroad; 250 paid internships; full scholarship support for all School Honors students; raise funds to support the opportunity for every SOH student to study abroad.
  • Increase the number of unrestricted gifts and support for academic departments and programs as well as gifts supporting individual research projects. Goal: Grow the School endowment to $50 million by 2025.

5.  Update physical and cyber infrastructure

  • Apply for Small Cap awards from Capital Planning to renovate faculty offices and instructional space.
  • Advocate for a portion of the campus deferred maintenance budget to be used to repair aging buildings.
  • Acquire by way of donation major collections in art, cinema, and print.
  • Participate as an equal partner with the Office of Research, Library and Claire Trevor School of the Arts in plans for a campus art museum to house these collections, curate them properly and teach visual materials in art, history, science, technology and area culture.
  • Develop a long-range facilities plan.
  • Ensure a high-quality, ubiquitous, and secure information technology infrastructure.

6.  Communicate SOH achievements and contributions more widely and effectively

  • Communicate the strengths of the School of Humanities and its impact in the world by building a clear and strong identity through all appropriate media.
  • Expand the visibility and accessibility of the School’s scholarly output by increasing knowledge of and access to the research and educational resources produced by our faculty and students, utilizing multiple channels, such as open access publishing and public writing/presentations.
  • Strengthen our international presence and engagement by expanding exchanges and partnerships with foreign universities; international speakers and events; travel grants; visiting scholars; forums on world issues; and faculty and alumni representation in education and research policy-making groups.