"Cosmopolitanism and the Modern Movement in Iran" with Professor Talinn Grigor (UC-Davis)

 Art History     Mar 9 2021 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM virtual

Talinn Grigor is professor and chair of the Art History Program in the Department of Art and Art  History at the University of California, Davis. Her research focuses on 19th- to 21st-century art  and architectural histories through the framework of postcolonial and critical theories, grounded  in Iran, Armenia, and Parsi India. Her books include Building Iran: Modernism, Architecture,  and National Heritage under the Pahlavi Monarchs (2009); Contemporary Iranian Art: From  the Street to the Studio (2014); and The Persian Revival: The Imperialism of the Copy in Iranian  and Parsi Architecture (Penn State Univ. Press, 2021).
Please email kdonahey@uci.edu for Zoom link.

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