Being Happier in Academia: Writing Strategies for Scholarship and Teaching

 Humanities Center     Dec 3 2019 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM New Room: Humanities Gateway 1030

A Talk by Professor Barbara Sarnecka, Cognitive Sciences, UCI 

Research is all about writing, but most PhD programs don’t teach students how to produce the writing needed to get a PhD, publish research, or get funding. Plus, the academic environment can feel as cold and harsh as the South Pole. But just as penguins form social huddles to survive the Antarctic winter, researchers can form writing groups to help them learn how to write more, write better and be happier in academia. The Writing Workshop tells you everything you need to know about forming and running a successful writing group, and provides invaluable tips on how to become better at and more comfortable with academic writing.  The Writing Workshop tells you everything you need to know about forming and running a successful writing group, and provides invaluable tips on how to become better at and more comfortable with academic writing.

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Writing Penguins

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