Why Publishing is a Great Career: What Every Undergraduate and Graduate Needs to Know

 Humanities Center     Nov 15 2019 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

Niko Pfund, President and Academic Publisher, Oxford University Press, USA

Lunch provided | RSVP at http://bit.ly/PublishCareer

For many, post-college life can sometimes seem like a choice between graduate school, teaching, or a job that might not be sufficiently energizing to turn into a career. Publishing, and particular academic publishing, has much in common with academic life, and yet there are significant differences.  These revolve around the commercial considerations that underpin the publishing industry and the need for even non-profit university presses to sustain themselves.  University press publishing offers a form of “benevolent capitalism,” whereby an emphasis on mission and dissemination lies at the heart of the enterprise.  At a time when the media landscape needs objective validators more than ever, publishing can offer an ideal blend suitable for a variety of orientations.  This talk, which will be followed by a Q&A, is tailored to every undergraduate and graduate student pondering their post-pedagogical future.
