General Approved Courses

Lower Division Courses

Rel St 5A World Religions I (4).  An introduction to the history, doctrine, culture, and writing of the three “religions of Abraham”: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (Formerly Humanities 5A)

Rel St 5B World Religions II (4). An introduction to various religious traditions in selected areas of the world – including India and South Asia, East Asia, Africa, and the Americas. (Formerly Humanities 5B)

Rel St 5C World Religions III (4).  A thematic comparison of selected structures and activities that characterize religious traditions.  Comparative features may include, for example, holy scriptures, symbolizations of the sacred, attitudes toward afterlife, collective religious behavior, and religious dissent. (Formerly Humanities 5C)

Rel St 17 An Economic Approach to Religion (4). Introduction to how basic economic concepts such as demand, supply, consumption, production, competition, free-riding, innovation, regulation, and rent-seeking can be applied to understand observed religious behavior. Same as Economics 17. (III)

Rel St 21 Philosophy and Religion (4). Examines the intersection of religion and philosophy from a standpoint that does not presuppose previous academic study of either. Both Western and Eastern traditions and perspectives may be explored. Topics vary.

Rel St 56 Society and Religion (4). A critical and personal examination of the varieties of religious and spiritual experience human beings are undergoing in contemporary society. The role of conscious understanding and unconscious conditioning regarding religion and spirituality. Topics vary.

Rel St 60 Gender and Religion (4). Introduces the topic of religion in a feminist context by performing cross-cultural explorations of gender, authority, and faith in various traditions. Study may include (but is not limited to) writings of contemporary Jewish, Christian, and Muslim feminists. Topics vary.

Rel St 90 Aspects of Religion (4). A presentation of selected issues in the study of religion.  Topics vary.

Rel St 91 Aspects of Asian Religions (4). A survey course of a specific Asian religious tradition such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, or Shinto in its manifestation in Asia or in its transmission to the Americas. Topics vary.

Upper Division Courses

Rel St 100 Topics in the Study of Religion (4).  The intersection of religious belief and practices with selected subjects of continuing interest.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.   

Rel St 103 Topics in Philosophy of Religion (4). Critical examination of philosophical concepts in religious scripture and theology, e.g., the nature and existence of God, miracles, the problem of evil, divine command theories in ethics. May include both Eastern and Western religious traditions. May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary. 

Rel St 106 Topics in Gender and Religion (4).  Critical examination of how religious beliefs and practices have shaped (and been shaped by) attitudes towards gender and sexuality in modern and/or premodern society.May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 110 Theories and Methodologies in the Study of Religion (4). Introduction to major thinkers, theories, and methodologies in the study of religions. Includes paper on relevant Religious Studies topic; emphasis on developing the student’s ability to analyze and articulate theoretical arguments. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.  
Rel St 120 Asian Religious Traditions (4).  Studies involving (but not limited to) Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and Shamanism, including both elite doctrinal aspects and forms of more popular religiosity.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary. 

Rel St 130 Jewish, Islamic and Middle Eastern Religious Traditions (4). Character and evolution of Egyptian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Muslim and other religious communities of the region from their formative periods to the present era.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 140 Early Western Religious Traditions (4). Religious perspectives of the Mediterranean and European regions from earliest times to approximately 1500 (CE).  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary. 

Rel St 141 Recent Western Religious Traditions (4). Studies relating to Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christianity as well as alternative belief systems in Europe of the early modern and modern eras.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 150 Religion in the Americas (4). Religious belief and social context in North and South America from the earliest human societies to the present.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 160 Diaspora Religions (4). Examination of what happens to belief and practice as religious communities are scattered geographically.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 170 Comparative Studies in Religion (4). Systematic comparisons of different religious and quasi-religious traditions, their beliefs and practices.  May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.

Rel St 199 Directed Independent Study (4).  Investigation of special topics through independent reading under the direction of an instructor. Paper required. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit up to three times as topics vary.