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Kiosk Magazine - UCIrvine Editorial Board

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Janelle Flores

FloresJanelle Flores graduated from the Literary Journalism program in 2010. She currently works part-time with a company that is not deserving of a bachelor's degree but she is content nonetheless. When not working, Janelle enjoys carefully thumbing through expensive magazines on package design and reading, once again, for fun. At the moment, Janelle is designing JET-LAGGED Magazine with an expectationof pursuing a design career if writing does not work out. Ultimately, she would like to design and edit a magazine of her own, which is still in the ideas stage of development.

The story behind the story: This was the most fun I had writing a story. Amy Wilentz's workshop actually felt like a writing workshop and, as the class joked, a group therapy session. Not for the faint-hearted, reading aloud your own work, from your own life, was a daily mission for me. Writing about the "American in Paris" seemed like a rite of passage, though I didn't think it was worth writing about outside of my journal. But all the material I needed was there in my notebooks and I couldn't resist. In a sense, all of it is in the story: how I got there, how I perceived the city, how I felt about writing within this kind of genre, is all there.