Teatralidad y experiencia política en América Latina
(Theatricality and Political Experience in Latin America)
en español
de Gustavo Geirola 

US $ 22.50
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ISBN: 0-9656914-5-4


   Teatralidad y experiencia política en América Latina (Theatricality and Political Experience in Latin America) studies the interrelationship between theatrical production and political activities during the period of 1957 and 1977 in Latin America. Geirola defines theatricality as a gaze, a logic and as a topology. Readings from  Marx, Foucault and Lacan allow Geirola to focus the discussion on space and the actorís body within the parameters of capitalism and Latin American theatricality.  He bases his interpretations on two founding discourses: Sartre, which the author counterpoints with Stanislavski, and Che Guevaraís discourse. Geirolaís analysis of Guevaraís guerilla theatricality, suggests intertextual relationships with San Ignacio de Loyolaís writings and his poetics of sacrifice. The book also contains studies on Enrique Buenaventura (Colombia), Augusto Boal (Brazil), el Teatro Escambray (Cuba), the happening in Buenos Aires, and the  utilization of Cantiflasí poetics by the Teatro Campesino directed by Luis Valdez.

Teatralidad y experiencia política en América Latina questions many of the traditional interpretations of the Nuevo Teatro Latinoamericano and the political coherence of the Latin American ìtheatricality of utopiaî.

See Contents

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 GESTOS. Revista de Teoría y práctica del teatro
Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of California, Irvine CA 92697
 (949) 824-7171 Fax: (949) 552-4820    e-mail: gestos@uci.edu