en español

A New Book from Ediciones de GESTOS:

Discursos teatrales en los albores del siglo XXI
(Theatrical Discourses at the Dawn of the 21st Century)

Juan Villegas

Alicia del Campo y Mario Rojas 

US $ 22.50
Shipping USA: $ 2.50

ISBN   0-9656914-6-2

    Discursos teatrales en los albores del siglo XXI (Theatrical Discourses at the Dawn of the 21st Century) is a collection of essays written by scholars from the United States, Spain and Latin America. These essays, based on the most current productions in theater today, provide in-depth analyses of some of the predominant trends in theater in Spain and Latin America.

    The majority of the plays explored in this volume have figured among the most successful entries in international theater festivals. Special attention is focused on plays offered at the Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro in Cádiz, Spain in 1999 and 2000. Some of the research topics include: the relationship between social/cultural transitions and theatrical discourses; models of theatricality and visual construction; theater and globalization; modes of theatrical production and techniques in acting; the construction of historical memory; neo-baroque theater; cultural interculturalism; the representation of women and war; the construction of femininity and masculinity; the "carnivalization" of history; the recycling of classical myths; melodrama; and critical readings of the same production offered in different cultural spaces. In addition, Discursos teatrales en los albores del siglo XXI includes interviews with well-known theater artists; this feature contributes to the vast array of perspectives on the contemporary theater scene in Spain and Latin America extensively investigated in this collection.

See Contents

Please, order your copy from:

 GESTOS. Revista de Teoría y práctica del teatro
Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of California, Irvine CA 92697
 (949) 824-7171 Fax: (949) 552-4820    e-mail: gestos@uci.edu