Body and Soul in Common: On Black Charity and Du Bois’ ‘Gospel of sacrifice’

Department: African American Studies

Date and Time: February 26, 2015 | 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

Event Location: HG 1002

Event Details

Body and Soul in Common: On Black Charity and Du Bois’ ‘Gospel of sacrifice’ with Ronald Judy

R.A. Judy is Professor of Critical and Cultural Studies in the Department of English at the University of Pittsburg, where he teaches course in world literature, critical and literary theory, and literary criticism. He is a member of the Editorial Collective of boundary 2, an international journal of literature and culture, published by Duke University Press. A Recipient of prestigious honors from the Ford Mellon Foundations, he was a Fulbright Fellow at the Institut Bourguiba des Langues Vivantes, Universite de Tunis I, in Tunis, Tunisia.