Memory and Meaning Conference

 Humanities Center     Apr 28 2017 - Apr 29 2017 | 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Herklotz Conference Center

UCI scholars join from over a dozen departments in humanities, arts, sciences, medicine, business, and law to address questions such as how humans, individually and collectively, form and retrieve memories, remember themselves and their communities, tell stories about their past, and imagine their future.

Jonathan Alexander (English)
Sven Bernecker (Philosophy)
Geoffrey C. Bowker (Informatics)
Kai Evers (European Languages and Studies)
Sarah Farmer (History)
Zina Giannopoulou (Classics)
Erika Hayasaki (English)
Rebeca Helfer (English)
Andromache Karanika (Classics)
Peter Krapp (Film and Media Studies)
Anthony Kubiak (Drama)
Antoinette LaFarge (Arts)
Loraine Lau-Gesk (Business)
Michael D. Lee (Cognitive Science)
Linda Levine (Psychology and Social Behavior)
Elizabeth Loftus (Psychology and Social Behavior, Law)
Angela Lukowski (Psychology and Social Behavior)
Mark Mapstone (Neurology)
James L. McGaugh (Neurobiology and Behavior)
Barry Siegel (English)
Rod Shankle (Hoag Neuroscience Institute)
Craig Stark (Neurobiology and Behavior)
Mark Steyvers (Cognitive Science)
Georg F. Striedter (Neurobiology and Behavior)

Full event information